Coding Resources & Useful Links for Beginners:
Being from a non-technical background, I have found it difficult to find good tutorials for Technical or computer coding help.Whilst there are many great and correct answers, they are often confusing to those who haven’t done code before.
On this page I have put links to what I have found to be most useful when learning to code C#, SQL, or they may be research links which go beyond Google. I will add to this page each time I find a useful link.
C# Classes and Object Orientated Programming
When putting together a C# application in Visual studio, it is difficult to understand where to put a class and what is a class. Also, defining an object is important too. I Google Searched for: c# basic overview creating classes and objects. The following are the resources I found to be most useful: i.e. clearly explained, not over complicated!
Programming Foundations: Object Oriented Design
This is the Full-Monty for learning Object Orientated design. Well explained, with clear examples. Approx 4 hours of learning. Course By Olivia and Baron Stone. introduce you to the concepts and terms—objects, classes, abstraction, inheritance, and more—that you need to get started.Quote from Course introduction: Learn how to take the requirements for an app, identify use cases, and map out classes using Universal Modeling Language (UML). All information is relatable to popular object-oriented programming languages, such as Java, C#, Ruby, or Python.”
W3 Schools: Tutorials, references, vocabulary and examples
On this page you will find the Web standards and basics for Programming languages. Vocabulary is listed clearly and each component has short, simple examples of how to use it. The website covers HTML, CSS, JavaSCript, SQL, Python, PHP, C#, Bootstrap, C++, Java, JQuery, C, R etc.C# (C-Sharp) is a programming language developed by Microsoft that runs on the .NET Framework. C# is used to develop web apps, desktop apps, mobile apps, games and much more.
A C# (and other programming languages) vocabulary list can be found here:
#6 C# objects and Classes By Dani Krossing
In this C# tutorial you will learn to create classes and objects in C#. We use classes as blueprints in order to create many different objects based on these blueprints, and since objects are used all the time you will need to learn about objects.#7 Organise your C# Project By Dani Krossing
In this C# tutorial you will learn to namespaces in C# while at the same time organizing your project into different directories. Having namespaces in C# helps avoid unnecessary cluttering of code and classes, and helps sorting the code into separate files.Other Links
LinkedIn Learning via Auckland Libraries.
(Free to Auckland Residents)LinkedIn Learning courses are Free for Residents in Auckland, NZ.
Click here to go to LinkedIn Learning via Auckland Libraries
Book: Beginners Guide to C# Programming
By Serhan YamacliThis book is a MUST for those new to C#. I found it complements the tutorials and references above. The book is laid out in step by step examples with Un-complicated explanations. Images are black & white & clearly show the process in Microsoft’s Visual Studio. The book is available from the author’s website: or places like Amazon.
Random, Interesting Link:
TedED:, thought provoking videos which aren’t social media!
Perhaps view: How algorithms shape our world – Kevin Slavin
Or: How does artificial intelligence learn? – Briana Brownell